April 2023
माता-पिता बनने से महरूम रहना भला किस दम्पती को अच्छा लगता है। निःसंतानता का दर्द पति-पत्नी को अंदर ही अंदर खाए जाता है। वे अपनी समस्या किसी को बता भ...
March 2023
Sperm is a crucial component of the reproductive system in males. It is a specialised cell that is responsible for fertilising the female egg and in...
March 2023
While it depends on the correct circumstances and the stage of the woman's menstrual cycle, sperm can survive inside the female reproductive system ...
March 2023
Do you feel at times that the size of your testicles has increased or decreased? Is this normal? Or it is a symptom of any underlying condition that...
February 2023
What is Hyperspermia? Hyperspermia is a condition where an individual produces an unusually large amount of semen during ejaculation. Semen is a ...
October 2022
पुरूष निःसंतानता शब्द कुछ सालों पहले तक नया लगता था लेकिन अब निःसंतानता की स्थिति में ये सामान्य रूप से सामने आ रहा है। निःसंतानता के एक तिहाई मामलो...
August 2022
What is Varicocele? Varicocele is a medical condition where the veins in the scrotum become enlarged or swollen. The veins, which are responsible...
April 2022
How Are Obesity And Male infertility Related? Male Infertility and Obesity in reproductive-age males have virtually tripled in the past thirty ye...
April 2022
What is Male Infertility? Male infertility is the lack of ability to generate sperm or even generate strong sperm which can fertilize the female’...
April 2022
In addition to spermatozoa, semen is composed of prostatic and seminal vesicular secretions and may also contain leukocytes, epithelial cells, and i...
April 2022
Healthy sperms are an important factor in male fertility. Sperm count is referred to the average total number of sperm present in one sample of seme...
April 2022
Healthy sperms are an important factor in male fertility. Sperm count is referred to the average total number of sperm present in one sample of seme...