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Why Choose Indira IVF for PLI (LIT) Therapy in India?

Paternal Lymphocyte Immunization (PLI) therapy at Indira IVF is a type of immune treatment that provides a ray of hope for women who have experienced multiple unexplained pregnancy losses.

PLI treatment was designed to aid in preparing the immune system for pregnancy so that, rather than fighting the embryo, the immune system may assist in acclimating the potential mother's body to the foetus-bearing cells.

PLI Therapy at Indira IVF is chosen by many due to the following reasons:

  • Indira IVF is India's largest fertility speciality hospital chain helping thousands of couples conceive and realise their parenthood dream through PLI Treatments
  • PLI success rate at Indira IVF is higher with the availability of many high-end technologies such as RI witness technology, closed working chambers technology, etc.
  • We offer one of the cost-effective treatments when compared to other fertility centres in India
  • Top fertility experts and skilled embryologists at Indira IVF ensure that the PLI procedure goes smoothly.  
  • The use of non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing makes Indira IVF clinic more suitable for PLI therapy.

Interested to know more about our PLI Therapy? Book a FREE Consultation today!

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15 yrs after marriage this couple from Nanded got first time IVF success at Indira IVF Pune

6 yrs after marriage this couple is blessed with a baby from Indira IVF

20yrs after marriage this couple from Sangali is blessed with a baby from Indira IVF Pune

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