With time, Indira IVF has grown to provide IVF solutions to people aspiring for a successful pregnancy. Our operating philosophy is centred around “Awareness”, “Accessibility” and “Reliability”
We have significantly invested in building awareness around IVF through omnichannel marketing including Print, TV and digital platforms and camps. Through these efforts, we aim to dispel the stigma around infertility and increase adoption of fertility treatments, making a positive impact on lives of families in India.
Accessibility is a key consideration for patients as they need to visit clinic multiple times for fertility treatments. We have a wide network 150+ IVF clinics in India.
We utilize a combination of standard operating procedures (SOPs), technologies and rigorous training to deliver positive results. Our qualified gynaecologists are trained on our SOPs, resulting in consistent clinical outcomes across all clinics. This doctor agnostic-approach reduces our reliance on individual practitioners by institutionalizing protocols, thereby enhancing the reliability of our services.