- How to increase women fertility?
Regular health check-ups can help flag any underlying health conditions that can potentially impact fertility in women. Additionally, living a healthy lifestyle by managing stress, eating a balanced diet, and regular physical activity can help boost fertility.
- What are some food items that increase fertility in females?
- Iron-rich foods such as beans, lentils, spinach and whole grains that lower the risk of infertility from ovulatory dysfunction
- Food with vitamin C such as lemon and oranges helps with iron absorption
- Consumption of monounsaturated fats (avocado, olive oil, other healthy fat), and cutting down on trans fat
- Incorporating more vegetable protein from lentils, chickpeas, mung beans, green peas instead of meat-based proteins
- Multivitamins
- Switching to high-fat dairy
- Foods with folic acid such as dark leafy vegetables and fortified grains; supplements may also be suggested to women trying to conceive to meet the 400 micrograms per day goal