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Fallopian Tube Infection results in scarring or blocking of the fallopian tubes. Read more to know about fallopian tubal infection symptoms & treatments at Indira IVF.


Tubal Infection

Tubal Infection, also known as Fallopian Tube Infection, is caused by unwarranted and excessive growth of malignant bacteria in the fallopian tubes. Fallopian tubes are a conduit between ovary and uterus and plays an important role in the process of fertilization.

Infection in Fallopian tubes is called salpingitis and is one of the most common reasons of infertility among women. Salpingitis is often seen in Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) and is of two types – a) acute salpingitis and b) chronic salpingitis.

In acute salpingitis, fallopian tubes develop inflammable swelling and start emitting a fluid. They might also get puffy and filled with pus.

This situation can culminate into blocking of fallopian tubes. Chronic salpingitis persists for a lonfer period but symptoms are relatively milder. It is advisable to immediately contact a doctor when any symptom of salpingitis apears else it can result in permanent damage to fallopian tubes.

Symptoms of Tubal Infection

Bizarre color and odour of fluid emitted from vagina
Pain and twinge during sex
Abnormally persistent urination
Fever and splitting headache
Grinding fatigue and uneasiness
Feeling of ache during menstruation
Savage abdominal pain, especially in lower abdominal area
Aching during ovulation
Persistent soreness in lower back

Causes of Tubal Infection

The primary cause of infection is burgeoning of hazardous bacteria like Streptococcus, Mycoplasma and Staphylococcus. Another huge cause is sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc.

Tubal Infection and Pregnancy

Tubal Infection often results into blocking of fallopian tubes and concentration of pus in ovaries that severely affect formation eggs that can cause infertility among women and harms their chances of getting pregnant.

How to treat Tubal Infection

There are a lot of treatments available to cure Tubal Infection. Choosing appropriate treatment hinges upon the gravity and magnitude of the problem. Doctors usually prescribe pap smear test, mucus swab and blood tests to gauge the magnitude and nature of the malaise.

If the problem is not grave, doctors posit specific antibiotics to kill bacteria and rid the body of them. But if the problem is grave, doctors advise patients to undergo a surgery and remove fallopian tube blockage or, in some cases, remove infected parts to stem the spread of malaise.

The key is to recognize the symptoms at an early stage and immediately rush to a competent and accomplished doctor.



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