Worry about Do’s& Don’ts’s to be followed after embryo transfer in IVF ! Natural conception involves union of male and female gametes inside the Fallopian tube of women to make embryo that travel to the female uterus. The embryo goes to the uterus after five days of development and get implanted. IVF process involves union of the gametes artificially inside a scientific lab to make embryo, then transferred meticulously inside female Uterus.
Whether bed rest is recommended after embryo transfer in IVF process? It is one of the most common query among the couple undergoing IVF treatment. When our patient poses in front of us with these worries, we advise them to think about human body in scientific way. Even though in IVF pregnancy embryo formed artificially, there is no difference from what happens with the natural cycle. The uterus accept the embryo in the same way it accepts the naturally fertilised eggs.
It is important to understand that nature has full proof in everything including the reproductive system, the embryo attachés to the uterine lining very firmly irrespectively, whether it attaches naturally or artificially. The movements and walk around or even gravity, does not cause the embryo to detach and fall off. Therefore the advice of bed rest after IVF procedure is over exaggerated or unrealistic.
Here how it works:-
In IVF process, embryo develops Inside the Lab after culture for 5 days. The healthiest embryo chosen for transfer. The Transfer is very simple procedure. A thin soft outer catheter is inserted through the cervix under USG guidance up to internal os .Then embryologist bring the inner catheter loaded with embryos, we feed the catheter with the embryo through the empty catheter that is in place. We place embryo 1 to 2 cm from the top of uterine cavity, approximate location where embryo implantation occurs. On the ultra sound screen, the patient will be able watch the bubble of air & fluid containing the embryo to getting placed gently into the uterine cavity. After the embryo transfer the embryologist checks the catheter under the microscope to ensure that no retention of embryo inside the catheter. Then patient is advice getup &can go to the bathroom even after 5 minute, if needed.Once embryo
transferred inside the uterus, it has to be implanted in the uterine bed by their own over next few days.
A study published on fertility & sterility (FETIL STERIL 2013. 100:729-35)
demonstrated better pregnancy rates with immediate resumption of normal activity compared to bed rest after the embryo transfer.
Dos and Don’ts:-
The first 24 hrs. after an embryo transfer is most crucial time. It is within this time frame that an embryo has to attach to the uterine wall before it can fully implanted, which may take several days ,therefore it is advisable to at stay home at least for one or two days.
Avoid vigorous activities such as heavy lifting, bending & exercise.
The patient has to take prescribed medicine as advised to support
Avoid stress and sexual intercourse.
Avoid papaya, pine apple, coffee and oily food
CRAMPING: Mild pelvic discomfort and mild cramping are very common, Cramping during IVF should not be seen as a sign of your upcoming periods, as it may be a possible sign of pregnancy. The medications and procedure of IVF make quiet impact on your reproductive organs. If you get pregnant, the pelvic discomfort may go on for a few weeks. Also ovum pickup procedure and there after embryo transfer can cause slight
cramping immediately and up to few days.
WHEN TO CALL A DOCTOR? If the cramping is very severe with heavy bleeding or nausea, must contact your doctor. There may be sign of ovarian hyper stimulation syndromes (OHSS), ovarian torsion. These conditions required
immediate medical attention.
SPOTTING OR LIGHT BLEEDING: You can experience light spotting after ovum pick up, after embryo transfer or later in luteal phase. In IVF cycle there are chances of spotting in 7 to 42% of cases’ it may occur half way through the two weeks known as implantation bleeding. Another possible cause for spotting is progesterone supplementation via vaginal suppositories causes cervix to be extra sensitive. You may experience light spotting but nothing to worry about it.
WHEN TO CALL YOUR DOCTOR? If you are having heavy bleeding with severe cramps.
1) Activity does not cause the embryo to detach or fall.
2) The embryo is completely protected in the uterus as natural pregnancy.
3) Patients can resume routine activities after 48 hours.
4) Resting more after IVF is not related to success rate.
5) Being active after the IVF procedure can keep away stress and anxiety.
Guide to infertility treatments IVF
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