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Implantation Symptoms: Light bleeding after a few days is the first sign of successful implantation. Discover what are the signs of implantation at Indira IVF.


We all know that during pregnancy, the embryo grows in the uterine cavity (hollow space in the uterus) till birth. But it is very interesting to understand how the fertilized egg reaches the uterus and gets implanted in the uterine lining (or uterus’s walls) for growth.

Also, how this natural process gets imitated during ART procedures like IVF is an interesting question to think about and understand. In this article, let us understand the meaning and signs of implantation. Also, learn about how to find out if you have successfully conceived and how to seek help.

What is implantation?

First, let us know how implantation happens naturally and during an IVF procedure. In the natural way of conception, the sperm travels to the fallopian tubes and fertilizes the egg released by the ovaries. Once fertilization has happened, the egg (zygote) travels to the uterus through the fallopian tube. During this period, the cells of the zygote multiply continuously and by the time it reaches the uterus, it becomes a solid ball of cells that is called a blastocyst. The blastocyst then implants (or buries itself deeply into the endometrium (lining of the uterus with a mucus-like surface), resulting in a pregnancy. This event is called implantation, after which some may feel successful implantation symptoms.

The embryo is developed in a laboratory dish during Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) procedures like IVF. For this, the egg is retrieved from the female’s body when she is ovulating. The sperm sample of the male partner is also collected. Then, they are placed together in a culture dish for fertilization. Due to advanced procedures like ICSI, healthy sperm can also be directly injected into the collected egg.

Under favourable conditions, a healthy embryo develops in the culture dish. After thoroughly monitoring its condition and scanning for any abnormalities, if it is considered fit for a possible pregnancy, it is then transferred into the woman’s body. This procedure in IVF is called Embryo Transfer. After embryo transfer is done successfully, the fertilized egg (blastocyst) should attach itself to the endometrium (uterine walls) and start growing. There are chances that you may experience some symptoms after embryo transfer. It is also perfectly normal if the woman does not feel any signs.

When do implantation symptoms start?

Implantation occurs around 7 days to 12 days after conception or 6 to 12 days after ovulation in the menstrual cycle. In IVF procedures, it can take somewhere between 1 day to 5 days after the blastocyst is released in the uterine cavity. This can then cause some changes in the body as mentioned below.

What are the signs of successful implantation?

  • Generally, there are no vivid symptoms after implantation. Some may experience bleeding, while others can have signs of successful implantation without bleeding.
  • Light bleeding after a few days of fertilization can hint towards successful implantation.
  • Mild implantation cramps that may feel like abdominal pain during menstruation.
  • Excessive sensitivity around the breasts because of an increase in hormones like hCG, progesterone, and estrogen.
  • Feeling nauseous, tired, or having a headache.
  • Sudden food cravings, mood swings, etc.


What happens after implantation?

The endometrium has a very mucus-like membrane, where the fertilized egg implants (or gets buried into it) and starts growing. Once the implantation process is completed, a hormone called hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) is released. This is a signal for the other parts of the body. When the level of the hCG rises to a certain level, it gets detected through a blood test or urine test for pregnancy. The embryo, which has settled down successfully in the woman’s womb starts developing further.

When to take a pregnancy test?

It is difficult to conclude that a person has successfully conceived just because they experience any early implantation symptoms. Hence, it is recommended to take a home pregnancy test or visit a doctor for a check-up if they miss their menstruation or in case of any early signs of pregnancy like morning sickness, tiredness, nausea, etc. If the implantation fails, then the female will get her period.

The level of pregnancy hormone hCG in the body gets doubled every 24 hours. This happens for the first 8 weeks after implantation. It reaches its highest in the 10th week. This can give you a positive result on the test.


How long do the implantation symptoms last?

The signs of implantation generally go away in a few days’ time. For some people, it is as short as a few hours’ time while for others it can last for 1 to 3 days.

What does a negative pregnancy test indicate?

A negative pregnancy test can indicate that you have not conceived. But the results can also turn negative when you have conceived successfully but have taken the test before implantation has happened.

Can IVF guarantee implantation?

During the embryo transfer procedure of IVF, the embryo (blastocyst) is only released into the uterine cavity. This cannot guarantee implantation because the embryo must attach itself to the uterine walls on its own.

Why does implantation fail?

There can be several causes of a failed implantation including, immunological factors, infections in the body, metabolic problems, abnormalities in the uterus, hormonal dysfunction, etc.

How to seek help?

If you cannot get pregnant naturally even after trying for a year or more, check for possible infertility issues. With world-class technology and ART procedures like IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), IUI (Intrauterine Insemination), and ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection), etc. you can increase your chances of conception. At Indira IVF we also follow advanced techniques such as Laser Assisted Hatching.

Laser-Assisted Hatching (LAH) – Through our Laser-Assisted Hatching program, we make a small opening on the outer shell of the fertilized egg called zona pellucida. This makes it easier for the egg placed in the uterine cavity to break through (hatch) and implant into the uterine walls and grow.

With LAH, Blastocyst culture and embryo transfer and other high-end procedures, we have helped over 1,60,000+ couples overcome infertility. All our treatments are cost-effective and have given a high success rate.


To know more about our Advanced Infertility Treatments, book a free consultation with our experts. Call 18003092323 today!

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