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Aspermia is a condition characterized by the absence or very low volume of ejaculate during ejaculation. This condition can have various causes and may be temporary or permanent. Understanding its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment is crucial for individuals experiencing this condition and for those seeking to support them.


What is Aspermia?

Aspermia is a medical condition where a male produces little to no ejaculate during sexual climax or ejaculation. This absence of seminal fluid can be a result of various factors affecting the male reproductive system.

Who can get Aspermia?

Aspermia can affect males of any age, but it is more commonly observed in older individuals or those with certain underlying health conditions affecting the reproductive system.

What are the Types of Aspermia?

1. Complete Aspermia: In this type, there is a complete absence of seminal fluid during ejaculation.

2. Partial Aspermia: Individuals with partial aspermia produce a significantly reduced volume of semen during ejaculation.

What are the Causes of Aspermia?

Several factors can contribute to the development of aspermia:

1. Obstruction of the Seminal Ducts: Blockages or obstructions in the seminal ducts can prevent the passage of seminal fluid during ejaculation.

2. Retrograde Ejaculation: In this condition, semen enters the bladder instead of being ejaculated out of the body.

3. Neurological Disorders: Conditions affecting the nervous system can disrupt the signals necessary for the release of seminal fluid during ejaculation.

4. Infections and Inflammation: Infections or inflammation in the reproductive system can interfere with semen production and ejaculation.

5. Certain Medications: Some medications, particularly those used in the treatment of prostate conditions, can lead to aspermia as a side effect.

6. Post-Surgical Complications: Surgeries related to the male reproductive system or surrounding organs can result in aspermia.

What are the Symptoms of Aspermia?

The primary symptom of aspermia is the absence or extremely low volume of semen during ejaculation. Additionally, individuals may experience:

  • Pain or Discomfort: Some may experience pain or discomfort during sexual activity or ejaculation.
  • Frequent Urination: In cases of retrograde ejaculation, individuals may notice an increase in the frequency of urination after ejaculation.

Does Aspermia affect Fertility?

Aspermia can significantly impact fertility as it reduces or eliminates the ability to conceive naturally. Seminal fluid contains sperm, and the absence of this fluid decreases the chances of fertilizing an egg.

How is Aspermia Diagnosed?

1. Medical History and Physical Examination: A thorough medical history and physical examination help in identifying potential causes and determining the extent of the condition.

2. Semen Analysis: A  semen analysis is a crucial diagnostic test to evaluate the presence, quality, and quantity of semen and sperm. This helps in understanding the severity and type of aspermia.

3. Imaging Studies: Imaging tests, such as ultrasound , may be conducted to detect any obstructions or abnormalities in the reproductive system.

How is Aspermia Treated?

1. Treating Underlying Causes: Depending on the underlying cause, treating infections, removing obstructions, or adjusting medications may help improve or resolve aspermia.

2. Fertility Treatments: Assisted reproductive techniques, like in vitro fertilization (IVF) , can be utilized to achieve pregnancy by directly collecting sperm from the testicles or the urinary bladder in cases of retrograde ejaculation.

3. Sperm Retrieval Procedures: Sperm retrieval procedures, such as testicular sperm extraction  (TESE) , may be used to collect sperm directly from the testicles for assisted reproductive procedures.


Aspermia is a condition that can significantly impact a person's reproductive health and fertility. Understanding its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options is crucial for individuals affected by this condition. Seeking medical attention and exploring appropriate treatments can help manage aspermia and address its effects on fertility.

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