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EmCell Closed Working Chambers are workstations that provide a stable, body-like environment for fertilization, crucial for developing high quality embryos. By maintaining a controlled environment, the EmCell Closed Working Chamber enhances the success rates of IVF procedures.

EmCell Closed Working Chambers imported from Australia, are work stations that provide long-term stable environment (controlled CO2, temperature, humidity and VOC-free atmosphere) for handling gametes, embryos and other tissues dependent on a controlled environment. During the ART process, the female’s egg is taken outside for fertilisation; the egg may receive a temperature shock due to a change in external environment which might affect the egg quality, and subsequently affect embryo quality as well. The use of EmCell Closed Working Chambers ensures that ideal temperature and CO2 levels can be consistently maintained thus, ensuring a cohesive environment to form good quality embryos which result in improved pregnancy results.

This technology helps in purifying air by the use of High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) and charcoal-based filters that helps maintain the ideal temperature of 37˚C and CO2 level at 6%, which is reflective of the conditions found in a female’s womb. It also provides humidified environment to minimise evaporation thus, maintaining osmolarity and pH of the media used. Hence, the gametes and embryos can have the right environment for their growth and progress, which is closest to the natural environment found when the egg and sperm meet in a female’s fallopian tube.

The advancement in reproductive technologies demands high standards for cell environment and working conditions and our chambers meet these to provide a clean and safe processes thus, ensuring that the likelihood of success is increased manifold.

Other Technology

EmCell Closed Working Chamber

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