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Infertility is a condition that affects one in ten couples who are trying to conceive. One of the most common treatments offered in IN VITRO FERTILIZATION


Infertility is a condition that affects one in ten couples who are trying to conceive. One of the most common treatments offered in IN VITRO FERTILIZATION. It has helped many couples to achieve their dream of parenthood. Although IVF has such a high success rate, it can be an anxious process to go through. Even more nerve-wracking is the 15 days waiting period after the embryo transfer till the time result is obtained. Patients often become overly focused on any symptoms they experience. A common cause for concern for many women who undergo IVF is spotting after embryo transfer. When a woman is trying to become pregnant, even the smallest amount of bleeding tends to cause concern. So is spotting always BAD? To understand this, let us understand normal physiology first…

Normally during the menstrual cycle, the egg is released from the ovary and is picked up by the adjacent fallopian tube. At the same time, if the partner’s sperm reaches the fallopian tube through the cervix and uterus, fertilization takes place and an embryo is formed. This embryo after 4-5 days is propelled towards the uterus where it makes the connection with an inner layer of the uterus. This process is called implantation. This is sometimes experienced by the woman as slight spotting or bleeding called IMPLANTATION SPOTTING OR BLEEDING.

During IVF, eggs are retrieved from the ovaries, and fertilization with sperm takes place in the laboratories. The resultant embryo formed is then inserted in the uterus, where it implants and creates pregnancy. The implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus is not a part of assisted reproduction process; it is something that occurs naturally in exactly the same way as in normal sexual conception. This explains how in terms of the symptoms including implantation spotting or bleeding, they are exactly the same in the case of IVF,

Such spotting after embryo transfer usually occurs 7-10 days post transfer. This is usually self-limiting, lasts for 3-5 days. This is an early sign of pregnancy. This is sometimes associated with slight cramping, nausea, breast tenderness. There is no set pattern, it may or may not occur in all patients. Pregnancies obtained through IVF have a higher rate of bleeding than a spontaneously conceived pregnancy. Roughly 40% of women conceived through IVF experience bleeding or spotting post-transfer.

Spotting immediately after ET can occur if a doctor had technical difficulty during transfer and had to manipulate the cervix. Spotting after the use of vaginal suppositories may be another cause of spotting during the IVF cycle. The vaginal suppositories that are given to prepare the uterus to receive the embryo could cause the cervix to become very sensitive which may result in bleeding especially after sexual intercourse. Patients are advised to abstain from sexual intercourse during part or all of an IVF treatment cycle.
So when should you need to consult a doctor? If bleeding is heavy or painful with cramps and vomiting, one should always consult the doctor and needs to rule out complications like miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.



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