Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) can affect a woman's physical and mental health before her menstrual cycle. Symptoms may include fatigue, cramps, and mood swings. While the exact cause is unknown, hormonal changes are considered key factors. PMS can be managed with proper rest, hydration, exercise, and dietary changes.
Most women experience various symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, in their reproductive years. PMS refers to a group of physical and emotional symptoms that occur in the days leading up to a menstrual period. These symptoms typically appear a few days before the menstrual cycle and tend to subside approximately 3-4 days after the cycle begins.
Although the intensity of these symptoms differs from woman to woman, in most cases, PMS does not significantly interfere with daily life.
The exact premenstrual syndrome causes are not known; however, changing hormone levels are most likely the reason for these symptoms experienced by women. Some women may also have undiagnosed conditions, such as a depressive disorder that can worsen due to PMS.
A condition known as premenstrual dysphoric disorder, or PMDD, may be affecting you if your PMS symptoms are so severe that they interfere with your ability to function normally during the day.
PMDD is a chronic health condition that is far more severe than PMS. Although anybody can have PMDD, those who have a family history of depression, postpartum depression, or PMDD are at a higher risk of getting it. Seeing a doctor for a diagnosis regarding the same is advised.
Given the many changes your body is going through at once, we know that having PMS can be daunting. It might be difficult to manage the emotional symptoms as well as the physical symptoms, but doctors can help you get the premenstrual syndrome treatment you need.
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