In vitro fertilization , commonly known to people as IVF, or more commonly in India as test-tube baby has captured the attention of the world since its introduction in 1978. In today’s scenario, this technology is available in most of the civilized countries, and the practice is far better from what it used to be done in the past.
With evolution of cutting edge expertise ,observations, researches, polishing and filtration of laboratory technology and clinical practice , IVF technology has emerged as safe, sound, secure, readily accessible, and relatively affordable treatment option for infertile couples.
This has given hope to all the couples who failed to conceive and are hoping for the miracle in their life and it is likely that continued enhancements will widen its appeal and applicability to all.
There are millions of couples struggling with infertility worldwide. According to the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction(2018) 10 to 14% of Indian population is affected with infertility.
There are many myths and lack of knowledge associated with IVF techniques and its safety in our society. The term test tube baby has its own share of confusion as it’s generally considered with babies literally grown in test tubes. In fact test tubes are not part of IVF process .
Many couples even fail to take the treatment at the right time and this delay can create more problems at the time they seek IVF. In our article we have addressed the most frequently asked questions we face in our practice.
This is the most common query that haunts the general population. The success of IVF treatment varies vastly and depends upon many factors. We have here enlisted some points in the favor of the IVF treatment.
IVF is a technical process and a lot depends upon the efficacy and quality of equipments used in lab. Fortunately now India is at par with developed countries, with reference to advanced medical infrastructure and quality treatment. The availability of A1 quality instruments, sterile environment and treatment protocols makes it safer for patients undergoing treatment, giving them a better chance to pregnancy at a faster rate.
India, though being a developing country, now has a lot of doctors and embryologists who are well specialized in the field of assisted reproduction.
Even though IVF has become a fairly common procedure but still a lot of people have
a pre conceived notion that its a very complicated and a painful procedure which is not so. Hence, they go through a lot of emotional instability ,anxiety and curiosity throughout the treatment and having a proper counselor/doctor helps a lot. Since in India the health professionals are readily available with good experience and patience
India is rapidly growing as a global hub of health tourism and assisted reproduction techniques have also achieved many milestones.
Infertility graph among couples have been rising in our country gradually. Many sociocultural and lifestyle changes among urban population and negligence being the foremost cause in rural India.
However IVF being the effective solution to deal with the issues, more awareness is required among the general population so that they can seek expert advice and treatment at the right time.
But in the recent times there has been a lot of effort to bring general awareness among the rural and urban population regarding the necessity and safety of procedure .
Infertility being a disease doesn’t affect a special socio-economic strata people hence cost issues and accessibility makes a lot of difference among the different populations. In recent times the cost of IVF has reduced significantly allowing even the general class to avail the facilities.. In fact India now receives patients from the neighboring countries where accessibility and cost issues is the major drawback.
Ethical committee of Indian Medical Council has laid down certain code of conduct for the practice of IVF. These set of rules and regulations not only protects the patients welfare but also prevents the medical practitioner from unnecessary harassment.
Like all other medical procedures and medications, IVF has its own risk and failures but it has its merits and benefits too. Weighing all the pros and cons of the treatment ,the hope of completing ones family supersedes all and hence a lot of couples are happily undergoing treatment in India.
Guide to infertility treatments IVF
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IVF Guide to infertility treatments
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Guide to infertility treatments IVF
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